
WFIS Americas Communications Guidelines

The following selection are some of the most important texts in Traditional Scouting. They are organized according to the program section for which they are most suited, Wolf Cubs, Scouts/Guides and Rovers. We hope that you will download them, share them with your fellow Leaders and most importantly, use them in your programs.
All books are in English, unless otherwise noted. Where possible, efforts have been made to find versions of these books in languages other than English.

Title Author Size
Wolf Cubs books Mb
Wolf Cub Handbook Wolf Cub Handbook Baden-Powell 1.4
Wolf Cubs Gilcraft's Wolf Cubs Gilcraft 0.65
Scouts/Guides books Mb
Scouting for Boys
Baden-Powell 4.55
Aids to Scoutmastership
Guia do Chefe Escoteiro - em Português do Brasil
Baden-Powell 0.50
Patrol System and Letters to a Patrol Leader
El Sistema de Patrullas - en español
Cartas a un Guía - en español

Roland E. Philipps 0.78
B-P's Outlook
La Perspectiva de B-P B-P's Outlook - en español
Baden-Powell 11.6
Rover books Mb
Rovering to Success Baden-Powell 1.84
Letters to a Rover D.H. Barber 0.49